John berger ways of seeing perspective
John berger ways of seeing perspective

It is the image of the painting which travels now.” As I watched I made some notes of phrases that stood out to me, or my responses to his ideas, these aren’t arranged as an essay merely an arrangement of thoughts for my own reference. This had developed my knowledge further by opening up new ideas and paths of seeing and thinking, especially of what makes a great artist whoever its the struggle or popularity of the art pieces it was an enjoyable read.I’ve just watched the first episode of Ways of Seeing by John Berger. In my opinion this book shows many perspectives of how we seen and viewed art through time and different generous of art to give us an experience of what and why it has been created at that time through tradition and history. High light a quote that explains the basic concept of the book: “Gradually it became evident that an image could outlast what it represented it then showed how something or someone once looked” this shows many representations through time of how we can grasp a still image through visual arts so I believe that this quote holds an answer of how we evolved with no just art but technology through time.ĥ key words to represent the book: perspective, development, tradition ,experience and struggle. Its also used a a tool to sell products that will make you glamorous and have others envy you, products that will change you for the positive and for our own benefit therefore if you do not own a particular product and you don’t own the power or status compared to the people in the advert. Chapter 7 explores the final stage of advertising and how media is futuristic, it can be accessed from any smart object or even when your out and about such as, bill boards, buses and magazines. Also the paintings of landscapes and buildings would reflect that the owners have properties, class and power. Adrien Brouver was an artists who’s paintings wouldn’t have a big commission because it would show the poor and lower class living and smiling (which the rich never do in paintings) as Reynolds and Hals were more renowned at that time. Looking back when people used to display the art pieces in their homes they would buy paintings that would reflect their money/power/status. The novel expresses that men are powerful and woman show attitude as it also explores the idea of Adam and Eve and the forms of nude art to explore sexuality. If we look now how the camera has changed and evolved the way we see things by creating a more versatile experience of taking and freezing imagery.Ĭoming on to the idea of woman and men and hoe sexuality plays a part of the media, “how a woman appears to a man can determine how she will be treated” (chapter 3) which still stands today of how woman display them selfs and want to be seen by others. If we look at Frans Halls- the governors and the governesses of an Alms house for old paupers in the Dutch seventeenth century holds a since of memory in the image and truth in the painting. The assumptions of art that I needs: beauty, truth, genius, civilization, form, status and taste. When looking at art “gradually it becomes evident that an image could outlast what it represented it then showed how something/ someone once looked” this shows how oil paintings could grasps the living moment and capture on to a painting so it wouldn’t loose its value and last through out time. “We are always looking at the relations between things and are self’s” which is true because we compare and judge on the difference between us and the object in front of us by the empty space in-between. The key of dreams – Magrite was a good example of seeing. However, “The relation between what we see and what we know is never settled” this suggests that through out time we develop and change so our opinions differs all the time. This was the opening lines in this novel which I found quite interesting as it explains how a child grows and matures to understand visual objects without any physical communication needed which shows a pattern of critical thinking. The Child looks and recognises before it can speak”.

John berger ways of seeing perspective